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Angie Cunniffe


➢ I was born and bred in South Africa, lived in London, worked for Contiki, trained to be an Accountant ( not my cuppa tea ), met a kiwi, had children, moved to NZ, started my own business from home and live in the best community in NZ, Birkenhead…………. that’s how it happens you know!


➢ My severely dodgy back lead me to the Gravity Gym system at The Workshop Gym, and with John’s amazing focus and personalised training, I am now PAIN FREE and have a better figure as an unintended bonus.


➢ This year I am doing the O’Rock Challenge for the first time, I never would have thought this was something I would ever do, and would have said I was a shy, non-competitive person…. not now!


➢ I think John has an ability to “ Structuring Everything to be Different” and that is a great skill.


Support you fellow Workshop Gym Celebrity by visiting Angie at her Facebook Business Page “Scrumptious Home Baking “ and see the delicious treats that she home bakes ready for you to pick up weekly.


Mitch: is a born and bred local who has been with John since the start, a loyal client who really rates the place. Initially starting with Weight Training he has more recently moved to an all round program for general fitness.

Mitch has an on going knee issue and credits John's knowledge and one on one training for the fact he is able to train and do distance running, he calls it "Johns Special Plan"!
John is a unique character with the special ability to stay statue like whilst dishing out banter and lame jokes, especially whilst I am under the pressure on the weight bench, says Mitch.

Mitch is taking a sabbatical from his corporate job to head down to Queenstown for the snow season, but hopes to be back up to do the Tough Mudder event again this year.

Lyana Granger


• Are you a local? 
o Yup! I live just around the corner.


• How did you end up being a member of The Workshop Gym? How long have you been attending?
o I’ve been attending since 2012, I never did any sports at school, so I needed something to keep me active and healthy


• Are you a straight 'gym junkie' or do you attend classes too?
o I used to attend boxing but now I do dance to keep my cardio up. I just work on strength and balance with John now.


• You are what you eat? Yes or No?
o Yes of course, your diet definitely affects how you feel and look. Sometimes i'll have not eaten well and just feel sluggish throughout the whole day.


• Favourite Food 
o My favourite food would have to be some form of Chicken Donburi. I absolutely love Japanese food. Or Pizza with pineapple.


• Do you have an exercise goal to reach in 2017?
o I love doing fun runs when I can. I am working up to doing O’Rock and I have outward bound at the end of the year.


• Describe John in 3 words only
o Hahahahaha, sassy, a little condescending but very quiet, but that is probably just the special treatment I get! Hahahah no, John is a good friend of the whole family.


• What is on your wish list for your life in general for the next 5 years?

o Every single one of those next five years are totally focused on study and keeping myself healthy. I’m in my last year of school so I’ve got a lot of hard work ahead of me.

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Address: 84B & 84C Hinemoa Street, Birkenhead, Auckland 0626

Contact: Call us on 09 480 1055 or email

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